Sunday, August 22, 2021

NOUN CASE - Part - 7 (II) Possessive Case


6. The possessive case is implied in a different way in case of inanimate objects.


  • The roof of the house needs repair. 
  • The leg of the table is broken.
  • part of the wall collapsed.

In the above examples, house's roof, table's leg or wall's part would be wrong expressions.

7. When nouns in possessive case are in apposition, 's is added only at the end of the last


  • The national leader. Mahatma Gandhi's policy of non violence has been forgotten. 
  • The Finance Minister. Mr. Chidambaram's view on the recession was broadcast on television.
The possessive indicates a sense of ownership. It should not be confused with instances where the 's does not imply possession.


The devastation of the town by the deluge was not reported in the press.

The town's devastation during heavy rains would be a wrong expression. Town does not
become a possessive case here. Town is not in possession of the devastation.

  • The escape of the prisoners shocked the jailer.


The dative case is placed immediately next to the verb and ahead of the direct object or the accusative case.


  • Sam gave Tom a bottle.
  • Tom presented Sam some books.
  • The Chief Guest awarded the cricketers with a trophy.


Nouns that are spoken or addressed to are in the vocative case.


  • Girls, stand in one corner.
  • Get me some water Sam!
  • How are you, Mr. Joy?

                                                                        THE END 👍

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