Monday, February 27, 2023

How to choose the best career 👍

Choosing a career can be a challenging task, and it requires thoughtful consideration and self-reflection. Here are some steps you can take to help you choose your career:

👉Assess your interests and strengths: Start by identifying your passions, hobbies, and interests. Consider what subjects you enjoy learning about and what activities you enjoy doing. You can take personality and career assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or Strong Interest Inventory, to help you identify your strengths and preferences.
👉Research careers: Once you have identified your interests and strengths, research careers that align with them. Look at job descriptions, educational requirements, salary expectations, and employment outlook. Consider talking to professionals in the fields you are interested in and asking them about their experiences.
👉Consider your values: Think about what is important to you in a career. Do you value job security, work-life balance, creativity, or helping others? Make sure the careers you are considering align with your values.
👉Try it out: Consider job shadowing or interning in a field that interests you. This will give you hands-on experience and help you determine if the career is a good fit for you.
👉Set goals: Once you have identified a career path, set specific goals and create a plan to achieve them. This may include earning a degree, gaining experience, or networking.
Remember that choosing a career is a process, and it is okay to change your mind as you gain more experience and learn about yourself. It is important to find a career that is fulfilling and aligns with your values and interests.

Sunday, February 26, 2023




Pronouns that simultaneously indicate the nouns are called distributive pronouns. These pronouns are in the singular form and they always come after the verbs.


"Each" is used to indicate every one of the two or more people or things that are distinct. "Each" goes before a singular noun and is followed by a singular verb.


Each sentence is divided into two parts. 

(Singular noun = "sentence", singular verb = "is")

  • Each worker has been provided with his own instrument. 
  • Each boy was in the pool

"Each" used after a plural subject assumes a plural verb.


  • They each have their own costumes. 

    ("They plural subject, "their" - plural verb)

  • They each have a pair of their own skis,

    In case of numerals, "each" is used after the numeral.


  • The correct answers are worth two points each
  • The books are worth fifty rupees each.

"Each of" assumes a plural noun/pronoun and a singular verb.


Each of the three people was blind and deaf. 

("people" = plural noun, "was" singular verb)

Each of the trees was marked. 

Each of the houses was demolished.

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